Thursday, 7 April 2011

Shot List

Shot 1- Long shot of fire engine, this also shows the back of the fire station.

Shot 2- Pan of the engine as it leaves the station.

Shot 3- Long shot of back of engine so that you can see it exiting the station.

Shot 4- Cross fade of engine coming back into station. Medium long shot to show front of engine.

Shot 5- Zoom in to show men in enegine.

Shot 6- Long shot of fire fighters rolling out hoshes

Shot 7- cut back to previous fire enegine coming back into station

Shot 8- Close up of the men in the engine

Shot 9- Medium close up of hoshes coming out of van, fire fighters rolling them out getting them reading to be cleaned.

Shot 10- Pan of the fire fighter rolling out hoshes

Shot 11- Medium close up of fireman spraying the hoshes out on to the grass

Shot 12- tilt to show the hosh being turned off and laid out ready to be cleaned.

Shot 13- cut to the interview with station manager.

Shot 14- interview with the station manager in medium close up.

Shot 15- close up of station manager as his info becomes more interesting to create impact for the audience.

Shot 16- cross fade to front of engines to introduce Nigel Bailey.

Shot 17- Over the shoulder shot of him during the interview

Shot 18- Throughout the duration of his interview include different shots of the fire fighters training to break up what he says.

Shot 19- cut to back to his interview so it relates to what he is saying.

Shot 20- cut to fire fighter and engines outside to show reference to his interview.

Shot 21- cut back to Nigel to finish his interview.

Shot 22- shot of the staff during practical training.

Sh0t 23- continuous shots of the firefighters training.

Shot 24- close u of Nigel

Shot 25- close up of RTC equipment

Shot 26- cut to the sequence of RTC equipment. Establishing in high angle so the audience gets a full view of equipment.

Shot 27- close up of different RTC equipment.

Shot 28- cut to the front of car in long shot

Shot 29- close up of the stabilisers

Shot 30- close up of the steering wheel cover.

Shot 31- zoom out to show water being sprayed onto the wind screen.

Shot 32- cut the cutter cutting the side of the car

Shot 33- cut to the oposite angle of the car so that the audience get full view.

Shot 34- close up of cutters

Shot 35- close up og the lights coming of the back of the car

Shot 36- zoom out slightly so that there is a visable change of the blade.

Shot 37- zoom out to medium close up of their practise.

Shot 38- cut to angle change to the back then to the front of the car in medium close up to show the roof coming off.

Shot 39- cross fade of fire enegine coming into park.

Shot 40- cross fade to Matthew Barrell's interview.

Shot 41- Close up of interviewee as he becomes more emotive about his job.

Shot 42- blank screen to introduce break.

Shot 43- Close up of fire equipment on enegine

Shot 44- Pan up and down the enegine

Shot 45- cross fade to oxygen tank to show audience the change

Shot 46- pan up and down the tank to get it in full view

Shot 47- cross fade to medium close up of Nigel Bailey talking about a past experience.

Shot 48- cross fade back to boots to show credits. Medium close up on high angle.

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