Thursday, 16 December 2010

Christmas safety booklet

While walking through town 2 of Barnsley fire fighters were handing or the booklet below to passing public to warn them about the dangers around Christmas. This is the sort of Community work they do when they are not training in their courtyard or on the job.

Friday, 10 December 2010

Edit list

We re-named all our shots to give us an edit log/ decision list. This described all the shots and it indicated which shots we were likely to use. This helped us speed up our editing process since we knew which shots to use on our time line. It was very time consuming but worth it in the long run.

Tuesday, 7 December 2010

Character Profiles

For our project we managed to interview 3 fire fighters. These were:

Philip O'Colloell
Watch Manager for Barnsley White Watch

Nigel Bailey
Crew Manager for Barnsley White Watch

Matthew Barrell
Fire Fighter

Location Shots