Tuesday, 21 September 2010

Full Treatment

Title: The Fire Service Today

Audience: Our documentary will be aimed at an audience ages 18 and upwards, this is because people of these ages will be able to relate to the documentary as relatives and friends may work in the fire service, due to this they may find the documentary interesting. Another reason for this being our target audience is that due to the strikes which have taken place it has affected more people within that age range. The documentary is an 18 classification because of the information in contains, the documentary doesn't include any scenes of violence. This is a suitable classification as it includes the working conditions in the service and how they have been treated. The interviewee's may include some strong language due to the distress which they have gone through during their work in the fire service.

Duration: 45-50 minutes.

Synopsis: The documentary will take a trip to the local fire station. The opening scene will consist of a group of students entering the fire station and taking a look round having a visual tour of signs, rooms, poles, trucks and hoses. Scenes will consist of interviews with various firemen, one main interview will consist of asking about a typical day in the life of firemen: this will include what they do, fire actions and routines and also paperwork they are required to do throughout the day. The presenter interviews the firefighters into the hours which the firefighters do each day and how it affects them, this will also link to how this affects their lifestyle. The documentary looks into how it effects their social lives. Having a job like this can affect their families when they see their children. The service do a lot of event for they community the documentary includes what they have done as past events and recent events of what they done. Throughout the duration we will be looking into the primary work, to put out fires and how they try to minimise the damage they cause. They are extensively trained to rescue people and properly from all manner of accidents and disasters. Their job entails chemical skills and terrorist attacks, a large part of the job is also a risk of fires occurring. The full duration films the work to enforce fire safety standards in commercial and public buildings as well as educating the wider community about fire safety.

Interviews of people who are currently working in the fire service will be interviewed to find out about their work and what in includes. The documentary looks into the dangers of the job Fire-fighters are essential members of society, working to help people in need, assisting with accidents, floods and other emergencies. Battling fires and the associated dangers of fire is just one facet of the job, with the emphasis being more on preventing fires than merely putting them out when they do occur. We will also feature a retired firefighter and find out about his experience during his career and the affects of the strike and the impact which that had on the community. The aims of the documentary are to inform the public about the dangers of their job, this is to create and impact about the skills which these people have and the importance. Fire-fighters must have a good level of physical fitness and stamina, but they also have to possess certain mental attributes too. A confident and resilient manner is a must, as the work is often pressurised and stressful. Good communication skills and the ability to work effectively within a team are also essential, as is adaptability, as each situation is different. A willingness to learn is desirable, as training is a constant progression throughout a fire-fighter’s career. Good situational awareness and problem solving skills plus the ability to “think on your feet”, are absolutely essential for giving orders in a stressful and dangerous environment. The ability to take and obey orders is also highly prized. As part of this, a high degree of self-discipline and the ability to remain cool and calm under pressure are both very important to this role. The programme includes the signifcance of this.

Suggested elements: V.O for the commentary of the documentary
Presenter is used throughout the duration of the interview through the

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